Privacy Statement


Dr. Bill Colvin, Psychologist is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. This statement details
my policies and practices related to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal health

What is Personal Health Information?

The practice of psychology is regulated under the provincial Regulated Health Professionals Act (RHPA).
Accordingly, all identifiable information collected by a psychologist about an individual in the course of
practicing psychology is considered “personal health information” This includes your name and contact
information, as well as any information collected and/or recorded in the course of providing services to

Collection of Your Personal Health Information

I collect personal health information from you, except when you have provided consent to obtain such
information from others or when the law requires me collect information without your consent
(emergency situations).
I collect only information from you that I believe is needed to provide you with the psychological
services you have requested, to maintain contact with you for service-related purposes and prevent
harm (i.e. emergency contact).
By law and in accordance with my professional standards, I am required to keep a record of services to
and contacts with you. Your record, or file, includes information you provide me or authorize me to
receive, results of any assessments, consent forms, sessions notes, billing information, contact logs,
correspondence that we have sent or received related to your service. The physical records are the
property of my practice. You have rights regarding access to your record and disclosure of information
from your record.

Use of Your Personal Health Information

The primary use of your personal health information is to provide psychological and/or counselling
services to you. This includes carrying out all of the functions necessary to provide such services
including service planning and monitoring, record maintenance and billing.
Paper and electronic information are secured in a locked or restricted area and passwords are used on
computers. Paper information is transmitted through sealed, addressed envelops that have been
stamped “Confidential”. Electronic information is transmitted through non-encrypted emails with your
The College of Psychologists of Ontario, may at times access and inspect client records when conducting
an audit.

Disclosure of Your Personal Health Information

With only a few exceptions, your personal health information will not be disclosed to others without
your consent. Exceptions include situations where there is a clear and imminent risk of serious bodily
harm and when required by law as is the case where reporting is mandatory as in cases where a child
may be in need of protection or when a health professional has sexually abused a client. Another
exception arises when there is a court order or subpoena requiring access to the client’s record. These
exceptions are known as “limits to confidentiality”.
The law requires any disclosure of your personal health information be limited to information that is
reasonably necessary for the purpose of the disclosure and not to include private information provided
by a third party.

Right of Access to Your Personal Health Information

With only a few exceptions, you have the right to access any record of your personal health information
and to request copies of the information. If the physical record contains any personal health
information about another individual, that individual’s information must be severed or redacted from
the record before you may access the record. Other exceptions include access to raw data from
psychological assessments, information provided by third parties in confidence, and information that
could result in serious harm to someone’s treatment or recovery, or in serious bodily harm to someone.
If you believe that information in your record is not accurate, you have the right to request a correction.
This applies to factual information and not professional opinions. Your correction request must be put
into writing. Where there is an agreement of error, a correction is made and other parties who have
been given the information will be notified.

Retention and Destruction of Personal Health Information

A client’s record must be kept for at least 10 years past the date of last contact for adults, and 10 years
past the date at which the client would turn 18 years of age. Obsolete paper records may be shredded
and electronic records may be deleted.

Question or Concerns

Privacy practices have been developed to comply with the laws of Ontario, as well as professional
regulations and ethical standards. Further details of the applicable laws, regulations, and ethical
standards may be found at the websites of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
(, the College of Psychologists of Ontario ( and the Canadian
Psychological Association (
While clients are encouraged to work through questions and concerns regarding privacy with their
health care provider, if such dialogue is insufficient to remedy the concern, clients may complain or seek
further clarification may be addressed to:

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East
Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8
Phone: (416) 326-3333, (800) 387-0073
TTY: (416) 325-7539
Fax: (416) 325-9195

Concerns regarding privacy can also be directed to:

The College of Psychologists of Ontario
110 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M4R 1A3
Phone: (416) 961-8817, (800) 489-8388
Fax: 416 961-2635